You can make your own secret garden - perfect for Mary-Mary and her friends!
I'm lucky enough to have a perfect little spot under a tree for my Fairy Garden. But you don't need a garden to make a magical spot - you can make a perfect place in a small spot with some pots (click here). All you need is a little imagination.
I found that some little bird houses I had (for another project) made perfect homes for Mary-Mary and all of her friends. I've made a video and it plays best on You Tube if you want to click here to watch it. Or get ideas from the photos below.
After that you can fill the village with any thing you have. I have a LOT of suitable bits and pieces! Fairies from Spain; bathers from Boston; Skiers from IKEA... 6 wise men (3 from my crib and 3 I made one Christmas) made very good wait staff in our café and a host of ladies I made for an event joined together to mage a village choir. There's a ladder made from ice-cream sticks and a hammock from an old macrame pot holder. It has a bell and shells and pretty maids.
I LOVE these two Marys - the lady on the left is a proper little village lady, and the one on the right looks like something from Jane Austen! To find out how to make the little Mary Mary dolls, click here.
A selection - a few choir members, 2 Mary-Marys I made myself (instructions here), a fabulous duck I was given from my Baby Group in the library, my nephew's dinosaur and my favourite African Fairy bought at the Working Group Against Racism's AGM in 1992 and on the top of my Christmas tree every year since then!