Inclusive Books for Children Award
We are absolutely thrilled that Zeki Goes to the Park AND Zeki Hikes with Daddy are shortlisted for the IBC Awards!
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We are absolutely thrilled that Zeki Goes to the Park AND Zeki Hikes with Daddy are shortlisted for the IBC Awards!
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Zeki is having a moment!
Click on the cover to read more / download the report.
Reflecting Realities Report 2023
CLPE (Centre for Language in Primary Education) Reflecting Realities (6th edition) is an annual survey of the extent and quality of ethnic minority characters featured within Picturebooks, Fiction and Non-Fiction for ages 3–11 published in 2022. The Report has statistics and figures on all aspects of representation but far more importantly, a rich and informative commentary on these findings – absolutely essential reading for anyone involved in children's literature. It's an abslute thrill that once again, the Zeki books (pictured below - from the report) are picked out for a special mention. |
Zeki selected for CLPE Power of Reading CollectionCentre for Language
in Primary Education Power of Reading 23/24 Collection "Each year our teaching team selects new high-quality texts to add to our #PowerofReading books, and these fantastic titles from Anna McQuinn,
Joseph Coelho and Ken Wilson-Max are our 23/24 #EYFS additions... ...the books on the Power of Reading are very special books that provide any reader who encounters them to develop a deep and meaningful connection with the text. |
Lulu selected for Brazil's PNLD programme
Brazil’s Programa Nacional do Livro Didático PNLD
is one of the largest national school book programs in the world. Each year, the program selects and purchases curricula for a set of primary or secondary school subjects. Lulu's Brazilian Publishers, Pallas Editora (Publishers in the vanguard of Afro-Brasileiran publishing and nominees for BOP – Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publishers of the Year) were delighted that 3 Lulu titles were selected in 2022 for the 2023 program. Pallas Editora have created a wonderful set of rescources for teachers including this gorgeous video.
Lulu's NANA featured on the Toy Show!
Click on the cover for more
There's also a link to information about the beautiful Tanzanian Kanga fabric that features in the illustrations here. Zeki Rise & Shine makes