An excellent preparatory picture book for those ready to make their first trip to the library... McQuinn and Beardshaw radiate enthusiasm for libraries in every bright and energetic page of this book, and expertly defuse a toddler’s initial nervousness about a new experience A joyful exploration of books, libraries and sharing stories as Lulu and her mum make their regular visit to the library. This should be available in every library and children’s centre. – Annie Everall OBE |
What people are saying. . .
This belongs on the shelf with the holy books. Lola is the cutest little girl in the whole world and loves the library more than anyone else and is the most conscientious, responsible, adorable library user ever. This book features characters of color without it being the focus of the story, this book celebrates the love of libraries and learning and books and stories and Tuesdays, and this book made me so happy I cried. – Melle on Goodreads A bright narrative and sumptuous illustrations make this a real joy for booklovers everywhere – Letterbox Library
Kirkus Reviews
This eager, happy toddler gives readers a complete tour of a conventional visit to the library... Beardshaw’s vividly coloured acrylic paintings of a mother and child’s morning outing in their racially mixed neighbourhood complements the classic library scenes charged with a child’s vibrant enthusiasm. The simple, significant message will ring true for every librarian, teacher, caregiver and parent as the day concludes with Lulu’s nightly bedtime story. Everyone should begin and end the day with a good book. Oakland PL. Bay As young as she is, she knows and loves the routine. In fact, she and her Mom have made it more than a routine, its a celebratory ritual... As an introduction to the library, it’s both comforting and informative without being didactic. The flow of the text is enhanced by the joy of the illustrations, done in acrylic on paper. Especially precious is the picture of the four young children listening avidly to the librarian read a story.” Teaching Tolerance For anyone who simply thrills at the thought of abuilding full of books. Jackie Braun, The Flint Journal It’s a great introduction to a wonderful institution, especially for preschoolers. Rosalind Beardshaw’s acrylic-on-paper illustrations are adorable. Books for Keeps No. 164 The message here is simple, direct, and a vitally important advocacy for libraries, the fun and enjoyment of a visit to the library being conveyed more in the bold, bright pictures painted from Lulu’s viewpoint. All young children should have a weekly library experience just like Lulu... It's vital for all children to see characters portrayed who look similar to themselves: that Lulu, the central character in this story is black, is therefore particularly welcome National Parenting Publications Awards - USA Honours Medal in the Pre-school category - |
Librarians' views
Kath Navratil, Early Years Librarian, Sheffield Libraries
I love this book and I want all library staff to have one!! School Library Association “Well, this has to be a useful addition to stock!... Mum and Lulu read together at bedtime, because it’s fun: there’s no preaching here, just a really encouraging story with bright and lively illustrations. This is a delightful book for children and alos one to bear in mind for talks to parents. Fiona Martin, Shirley Children's Librarian, Southampton City Council Here in Southampton we're all raving about Lulu! ...we are looking at designing a new poster to put up in the libraries to promote storytimes. Lulu loves the Library is still very popular with the children, and we would like to use a design the children recognise and love. Hence I was wondering if you would grant us permission to use a picture from Lulu on our posters? Liz Broekmann, Principal Librarian: CYP, Slough Library Lulu should be mandatory reading for anyone who doubts the impact libraries have on young lives.” Margaret Street, Bookstart Officer, Hertfordshire Library Service I am writing regarding the beautiful book you have recently published called Lulu loves the Library. I work for Hertfordshire Libraries and have used the story successfully with children in nurseries and toddler groups. We have also purchased a Lulu book for each of our Young People's Services Librarians so they can read the story out in playgroups etc as it is a perfect introduction to the library. We were thrilled to receive your permission to use the image of Lulu - we’re using her in posters to promote our storytimes throughout our 50 libraries.” Rosanne Cerny, Coordinator of Children’s Services, Queens Ever since you sent me a note on one of the postcards of Lola, I’ve had her posted right on my desk bulletin board. We also purchased the book for all our branches because I fell for her hook, line and sinker! Mrs C, Grandview Library Recommended for the Individual Development & Identity, Family Rituals, Independence collections ... a great introduction to the library, comfort and ritual, parent-child bonding. Both llustrations and clear, simple text make the perfect read-aloud for pre-school and kindergarten. Sally R Dow, Ossining Public Library, NY Perfect for instilling a love of libraries and books in the youngest patrons, it’s a winner. M. Milroy "'Library Miss'" (Sheffield) on Amazon Don't you just want to hug Lulu! You can tell Anna McQuinn is a Librarian who enjoys her job as it shines through the pages and Rosalind Beardshaw's portrayal of Lulu makes you just go ahh! |
We like to include Goodreads and Amazon reviews as these are people who've not been sent review copies and just post for the love of the books!
K Couponingmommy on Goodreads
I've been reading this book at least once a week to my 1 yr old daughter she loves it!!!!!! She points at the pictures & says Lola,dog,lola mama... I luv to read things that she can relate to Lola is brown just like her. Qiana on Goodreads “It is often a challenge to find children's books with black characters that aren't overwhelmed with historical narratives or self-affirming gobbly-gook (be like Harriet Tubman! You're special! No really!) The little touches make this book unique and lovely: Lola's soft cloud of unraveled hair when she wakes up, the way she kneels on the floor during story time at the library, or how her mom spoons a little cappuccino foam in her mouth during their snack-time. I read this book to my daughter almost every day!” Kari on Goodreads “... tonight was the first time I took my 2 1/2 year old to the library... This was the only book I chose for my daughter and it was a good choice. The illustrations are sweet, the storyline is short and to-the-point, and it is instructive for toddlers and preschoolers. I can see how this book is important in that Lola is a young preschooler who just happens to be black. No mention is made of her race. Bella (the center of the universe according to her) pointed to Lola and declared that she was "Bella". This pleased me, and I felt relief that I didn't have to dive into the complexities of race just yet.” Curled Up with a Good Kid’s Book “This charming story introduces kids to little Lulu, a girl who discovers the joys of going to the library, getting to choose her own books, take them home then go back for more - all with nothing more than a library card... Kids will relate to little Lulu... and adults will appreciate the encouragement this book offers to little future readers everywhere... Read this book to your child, then take them to the library and get them a card of their own. You’ll be glad you did!” LBG_Mom, ***** Amazon Lola at the Library Without Race Being the Plot...THANK YOU!, April 17, 2012 This is a a very cute book about a little girl named Lola and how she goes about her morning at the library. The illustrations are vibrant and engaging for my kids. The story line is simple, what one would expect for a children's book. I have bought dozens of children's books on Amazon but the reason I am taking the time to write a review for this one is because this is one of the few books with a Black character that doesn't have a storyline relating to race or hair texture. The main character is Black and there are other races featured in the book. I am the mother of biracial children and I wanted to make sure they have books that show children from various races. The thing is when I started searching for books with Black characters, all I got were books about how being black is beautiful, I love my hair, my skin is beautiful etc. I am not trying to get into race talks with my preschoolers, I just want regular stories showing diverse characters every once in a while. So THANK YOU Ms. Mcquinn and Ms. Beardshaw. I am writing this review for parents who are also searching for a book showing diversity without it being the plot of the story. SCD40 ***** Amazon My daughter loves this book, October 23, 2013 My 15 month old daughter absolutely loves this book. It's her favorite. As soon as I turn to the page where Lola is singing "Twinkle, twinkle", my daughter puts her hands up like Lola. It's so cute. I love the illustration, also. I'm glad there are other Lola books and I plan on buying more! |
eb7819 (Atlanta, Ga.) - Amazon This is a wonderful book that introduces preschoolers to books and to love reading them! The illustrations are beautiful and the storyline is easy for a tot to understand. It's a great addition to a child's collection. R. Williams (Chicago, IL) ***** Amazon “My family has fallen in love with this book. The text and illustrations are both top notch. Little Lulu gets so much from her trip to the library that it is truly contagious. It’s great for encouraging a love of books and reading. Thank yous to Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw for giving me something I can feel good about sharing with my children. Something that positively reinforces our values (we are big readers in this family). J. Arena (Williamsburg, VA) Amazon ***** Brilliant! Buy TWO copies! Soft, sweet, imaginative and colorful illustrations bring the story and Lola's cellebration of books to life! No child could possibly resist this playful presentation of fun and learning at the library. Buy this book for your child, and it will mark the beginning of a life-long love affair with learning. Buy another to donate to your local or school library and touch the lives of many more children. I wish I could give this book 10 stars, because it's just that good. Nothing else I've read lately compares on this level. Dorothy, ***** Amazon This is a wonderful book that introduces preschoolers to books and to love reading them! The illustrations are beautiful and the storyline is easy for a tot to understand. It's a great addition to a child's collection. Jerri, ***** Amazon I gave this book as a gift to my niece, and I know from listening to her that the book is an excellent read. J Woullard (Austin, TX) ***** Amazon This is one of my daughter's favorite books right now! We also walk to the library every week and I think she really identifies with the illustrations and the story. It is a simple, straightforward book that celebrates the ritual of going to the library. I highly recommend it. J-Lynn rated it 4 of 5 stars The toddler Lola loves Tuesdays because that is the day that she goes to the library with her mom. She loves the library because there is a special section for children, story time, singing, and books about everything! Plus, after she gets the books, her mommy reads to her every night. The illustrations are done in acrylic, simply showing cartoon children. The pictures are from the child's view of the world and cut off adults at the knee. Lola, as well as the other children, are adorable. Emelda: Every child I've read this to has loved it J. Wallace (Kent, WA USA) ***** Amazon Our daughter loves this book. We visit our local library every Tuesday like Lola. Our daughter made an instant connection to the book! We recommend this book for any home library. Check it out! |