Flower names for boys
While it's less common for boys to be given flower names in English, it's quite common in other languages.
ADONIS (Άδωνις): Greek name derived from Hebrew Adonai, meaning "my lord." In mythology, this is the name of a beautiful youth who was loved by Aphrodite. He was killed while hunting a boar and the anemone flower sprang from his blood.
ARAVINDA (अरविन्द): Hindi name meaning "lotus." CELYN: Welsh name meaning "holly." CHRYSANTHOS (Χρύσανθος): Greek name composed of the elements chrysos "gold" and anthemon "a flower," hence "golden flower." CHRYSANTHUS: Latin form of Greek Chrysanthos, meaning "golden flower." CHUSI: Native American Hopi name meaning "snake flower." COAXOCH: Nahuatl name meaning "serpent flower." CVETKO (Цветко): Slovene name derived from the Slavic word cvet, meaning "blossom." FIORENZO: Italian form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming." FLORENCE: English and French form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming." FLORENCIO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Florentius, FLORENTIN: French form of Latin Florentius FLORENTINO: Italian form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming." FLORENTIUS: Latin name derived from the word florens, meaning "blossoming." FLORENTIY (Флорентий): Russian form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming." FLORENZ: German form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming." FLORIAN: Short form of Roman Latin Florianus, meaning "flower." FLORIANO: Italian form of Roman Latin Florian, meaning "flower." FLORIANUS: Roman name derived from Latin flos, meaning "flower." FLORIN: Romanian form of Roman Latin Florian, meaning "flower." LORIS: Dutch form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming." FU-HUA: Chinese compound name composed of the names Fu "lotus" or "wealthy" and Hua "flower" or "magnificent." GENTI: Albanian name derived from Latin Gentius, meaning "gentian flower" or "(well)-born." GENTIUS: Latin name of the last king of the Illyrians, meaning "gentian flower" or "(well)-born." GIACINTO: Italian form of Latin Hyacinthus, meaning "hyacinth flower." GÜL (گل): Turkish name meaning "rose." GÜLBAHAR: Turkish form of Persian Gulbahar, meaning "spring rose." GULBAHAR (گلبهار): Persian name meaning "spring rose." GWRI: Welsh myth name of Teyrnon's adopted son, "Gwri of the golden hair," who grew to full adulthood in seven years, meaning "bloom." HEADLEY: Variant spelling of English Hedley, meaning "heather field." HEDLEY: English surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Old English elements hæð "heather" and leah "clearing, field," hence "heather field" or "heather meadow." HRAVART: Armenian name meaning "burning rose." HYACINTHUS: Latin form of Greek Hyakinthos, meaning "hyacinth flower." In Greek mythology, this is the name of a youth loved by Apollo who accidentally killed him, after which the hyacinth flower sprouted from his blood. HYAKINTHOS (Ὑάκινθος): Greek name meaning "hyacinth flower." In Greek mythology, this is the name of a youth loved by Apollo who accidentally killed him, after which the hyacinth flower sprouted from his blood. JACEK: Modern form of Polish Jacenty, meaning "hyacinth flower." JACENTY: Polish form of Greek Hyakinthos, meaning "hyacinth flower." JACINTHUS: Variant spelling of Latin Hyacinthus JACINTO: Portuguese and Spanish form JASMIN: Bosnian form of Arabic Yasmin, meaning "jasmine flower," a plant in the olive family. KUNAL (कुणाल): Hindi name meaning "lotus flower." LULEZIM: Albanian name meaning "blooming; flowering." MUKUL (মুকুল): Hindi name meaning "blossom, bud." NARCISSUS: Latin form of Greek Narkissos, possibly meaning "numbness; sleep." In mythology, this is the name of a vain youth who fell in love with his own reflection and eventually was turned into a kind of lily or daffodil flower known as the narkissos. NARKISSOS (Νάρκισσος): Greek name possibly derived from the word narke, meaning "numbness; sleep." In mythology, this is the name of a vain youth who fell in love with his own reflection and eventually was turned into a kind of lily or daffodil flower known as the narkissos. NERGIS: Turkish name meaning "daffodil." RAJEEV (राजीव): Variant spelling of Hindi Rajiv, a name for a "lotus flower," derived from the Sanskrit word rajiv, meaning "striped." RAJIV (राजीव): Hindi name for a "lotus flower," derived from the Sanskrit word rajiv, meaning "striped." REN (蓮): Japanese name meaning "water lily." ROOSEVELT: Dutch surname transferred to forename use, composed of the elements roose "roses" and velt "open country," hence "field of roses." SHELDON: English surname transferred to forename use, from the name of a place in Derbyshire which was recorded in the Domesday Book as Scelhadun, composed of Old English scylf "shelf" and the place name Haddon (from hæð "heathland, heather, wasteland" + dun "hill"), hence "steep-sided heather hill." THALES (Θαλής): Greek name meaning "blossom." TSVETAN (Цветан): Bulgarian name meaning "flower." TXILAR: Basque name meaning "heather." VARTAN: Armenian name meaning "giver of roses." VARTERES: Armenian name meaning "rose-face." VIRÁG: Hungarian name meaning "flower." XOCHIPEPE: Nahuatl name meaning "flower-gatherer." XOCHIPILLI: Aztec myth name of a god of love, music, and flowers, meaning "flower prince." ZAHIR (ظهير): Arabic name meaning "shining; blossoming." ZAHUR: Egyptian name meaning "flower." Anthos – Greek for flower; Anthony, Antoine
Aster – strong, low-lying border flower Azhar – Arabic for flower; Zhar Berry – strawberry, blackberry, raspberry; Barry Bud – male version of Blossom; Buddy Clematis – climbing vine of brilliant flowers; Clem Clove – piece of garlic or lucky leaf; Clover Coreopsis – long-lasting, cheery perennial; Corey, Cory Dutch (Iris) – charming name for a boy Fiorello – Italian for little flower Florent – French term for flowers Forest – the old-fashioned spelling of this man’s name is Forrest Jacob(‘s Ladder) – blue, bell-shaped climbers Jared – Biblical word for rose; Jarrod Jonquil – hardy, spring-flowering bulb; Jon, John, Quill Lupine – dense foliage with stately flower spikes; Lupe Moss – soft, plush ground covering found in shady areas Sage – medicinal plant in the mint family Shatrevar – Persian for flower; Trevor (Sweet) William – symbolizes gallantry in the Victorian language of flowers Vinca – spreading plant, like periwinkle; Vince Xeni – protector of plants and flowers |
Names for both boys & girls
Florence and varities of it is a very popular name for both boys and girls in many countries. For varieties, click here.
AOI (1-碧, 2- 葵): Japanese unisex name meaning 1) "blue" or 2) "hollyhock."
BRIAR: English unisex name derived from the plant name briar, from Old English brer, meaning "prickly bush." BRIER: Variant spelling of English unisex Briar, meaning "briar plant." DZAGHIG: Armenian unisex name meaning "flower." FIORE: Medieval Italian unisex name derived from the word fiore, meaning "flower." IORELLO: Masculine diminutive form of Italian unisex Fiore, meaning "little flower." Fiorella is the feminine form. FU (1-芙, 2-富): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "lotus" or 2) "wealthy." GULZAR (गुलज़ार): Hindi unisex name meaning "garden of flowers." HADLEY: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, composed of the Old English elements hæð "heathland, heather, wasteland" and leah "clearing, field, meadow" hence "heather meadow." HE (1-荷, 2-河): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "lotus," or 2) "river." HOLLIS: English surname transferred to unisex forename use, from Old English holegn "holly" denoting someone who "lives near holly trees." HUA (1- 花, 2-华): Chinese unisex name meaning 1) "flower" or 2) "magnificent." LORE: Basque unisex name meaning "flower." PADMA (पद्म): Hindi unisex name meaning "lotus flower." ROTEM (רוֹתֶם): Hebrew unisex name derived from the word rethem, found in the bible, meaning "juniper" or "broom plant," a shrub growing in the deserts of Arabia with yellowish flowers, and a bitter root which the poor were accustomed to eat. SHOSHAN (Hebrew: שׁוֹשַׁן): Egyptian unisex name meaning "lotus." Hebrew unisex name meaning "lily." VERED (וֶרֶד): Hebrew unisex name meaning "rose." YING (英): Chinese unisex name meaning "petal, flower; outstanding, surpassing; admirable, heroic." |